Saturday, August 31, 2019

Care Plan Essay

Impaired Comfort related to sickle cell anemia as evidenced by acute vaso-occlusive crisis. The patient’s pain should take precedence as the nursing diagnosis, because it is in all-encompassing factor that affects the client’s ability to function within the other areas of Maslow’s hierarchy of physiological needs, such as breathing and sleeping. The pain from the vaso-occlusion makes it difficult for the client to become comfortable enough to rest in addition to other factors that affect sleep patterns. The pain caused by the client’s chest pain also makes it difficult to for her to take deep, adequate breathes and to assess her lung sounds. 2. Ineffective Breathing Pattern related to acute chest syndrome secondary to sickle cell anemia as evidenced by alterations in depth of breathing. Breathing should be prioritized as the secondary nursing diagnosis, because the patient’s sickle cell anemia is presenting her with diminished lung sounds in the lower right lung. Since the primary nursing diagnosis is associated with vaso-occlusion, the client is not getting proper oxygenation to parts of their body, and interventions may include administering analgesics to treat the discomfort, of which an adverse effect may include an altered breathing pattern, it is especially important to pay attention to and assess respiratory functioning in order to treat the effects of smoking and administration of analgesics on respiratory function and assure adequate oxygenation. 3. Disturbed Sleep Pattern related to excessive noise as evidenced by reports of being awakened all night. Disturbed sleep pattern should be prioritized third, because lack of adequate rest can cause fatigue, further discomfort, and decreased ability to function and perform ADL’s which is important to a client’s self-esteem and independence. Nursing Care Plan Nursing Diagnosis: Acute Pain related to vaso-occlusive crisis secondary to sickle cell anemia as manifested by grimacing and verbalization of pain Outcome/Short Term Patient Centered GoalsPlanning/Interventions ImplementationRationale for interventionsEvaluation Short-Term Desired Outcomes The client will â€Å"perform appropriate interventions, with or without significant others, to improve and/or maintain acceptable comfort level,† a 5 or less on a 0-10 pain scale, by the end of the day (Ackley & Ladwig, 2013). Long-Term Desired Outcomes The client will â€Å"identify strategies, with or without significant others, to improve and/or maintain comfort level† by the time of discharge (Ackley & Ladwig, 2013). 1. â€Å"Assess pain intensity level in a client† every hour utilizing a 0-10 pain scale (Ackley & Ladwig, 2013). 2. Describe the adverse effects of unrelieved pain† every hour along with each pain assessment until patient verbalizes understanding (Ackley & Ladwig, 2013). Teach the client about prescribed medications (oxycodone, for pain), such as how to use it, how often to take it, how much at once, and the desired and adverse effects of it. 4. â€Å"Ask the client to report side effects, such as nausea and pruritus, and to describe appetite, bowel elimination, and ability to rest and sleep† by performing an interview every hour while assessing pain level (Ackley & Ladwig, 2013). 1. The first step in pain assessment is to determine if the client can provide self-report† (Ackley & Ladwig, 2013). 2. â€Å"Ineffective management of acute pain has the potential for†¦neuronal remodelin, an impact on immune function, and long-lasting physiological, psychological, and emotional distress†¦ † (Ackley & Ladwig, 2013). 3. â€Å"Instruct the client and family on prescribed medications and therapies that improve comfort† (Ackley & Ladwig, 2013). 4. â€Å"Constipation is one of the most common side effects of opioid therapy a nd can become a significant problem in pain management† (Ackley & Ladwig, 2013). Short-Term Desired Outcomes The client is able to properly utilize the prescribed oxycodone in their therapy to achieve a comfort level of 5 by the end of the day. Verbalizing an understanding of adverse effects of unrelieved pain helped patient understand the importance of reporting an accurate pain score whenever experiencing discomfort. Goal Met. Nursing interventions for this goal were effective to help the patient achieve a more comfortable state. Long-Term Desired Outcomes The client is able to identify and report the side effects of the oxycodone, so that they can report any nausea, constipation, or abnormal sleep patterns to a nurse or physician. Goal met.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Thoughts/Interpretations/Impressions about Marriage, Family in relation to culture

There can be thousands of interpretations, thoughts and impressions about family, marriage, kinship and marital residence depending on who is doing it and the background from which one has been brought up. But all the views are very interesting and sometimes debatable. In my interpretation, marriage, kinship and family have altered trends of life in many cultures, especially where there have been intercultural or intertribal marriages. These forms of marriage have enlightened many societies about changing roles of men and women.It is a good trial that has passed the test when women from other cultures do duties that have been associated with men and surprisingly the cultural beliefs that have prohibited women from these duties have been abandoned. Women around the world are great and respected leaders, for instant many African cultures are too tough but imagine for the first time in the continent (in Liberia) a woman has been elected president. This is a very positive sign about rigi d cultures that are changing. In some nations racial segregation is rampant.This phenomenon is in existence because of diverse practices or cultures and the languages which play vital roles in many cultures. This denotes the danger of extremism or total observance of culture. This is when people feel outsiders have invaded their culture and it will be a threat to their identity as s group. Strong adherence to culture may divide a society or has already divided many a societies. Indeed many nations in the world have been divided along tribal, racial lines because of extreme adherence of culture and the associated identity. Not only divided communities or societies but armed conflicts and turmoil as well.Many wars and other armed or unarmed conflicts have been fueled by people’s culture and identity versus culture of identity. Part Two Anthropological glasses on the local community Everywhere there are classes but the way they form somehow doesn't follow any blueprint. For inst ance in campus, students have identified themselves into various groups but some factors favor this kind of groupings. For example, smokers identify themselves as soon as they join campus. But it is healthy that identification through color is no longer in existence but a meager percentage of students use it to identify themselves into groups or classes.Nonetheless, there are two or three groups of students that are clearly identified. Class or stratification factor has played part in their formations. These groups include the rich and the poor, those serious in class with their studies and those who are not serious then a few in class of white and black albeit very few identify to these grouping. But the most encouraging trend is that these groupings are not extreme, they are very neutral and they have been neutralized for the reason that there is a lot of sharing right from the library to hostels and from class to the cafeteria.These make a very wide difference when comparing them with the groups which are discussed in the text, the text groupings tend to take an extremism dimension in their cultural setting which when compared to the local community or university are flexible and there is no remarkable degree of separation between the groups. In my observation this form of culture is very different because even ladies intermingle with gentlemen freely and there exists an aura of freedom for all and sundry.Finally institutions like universities and colleges have played an important role in connection to various cultures by bringing these diversities to one main culture without force. For instance color segregation has been dealt with intellectually because there is a lot of sharing within and without class. Part Three Vital lessons in this course There are many lessons that I have learned throughout this cause. Some of these lessons include the factors that have contributed to inequality and segregation and what has been done to counter this phenomenon.How s tratification or class was born and how soon or later it will disappear from society. Any form of identification may severely damage the conscious of some people regarding other cultures. Education can change one’s culture for the better and for the worse if not both. The interest of learning a new culture also encourages the other people of different cultures to have the urge of learning something new but may depend on the expression of one party to the other. Another lesson is how family, kinship and marriage are closely knit in society.As people are crossing borders and oceans for new adventures they are getting absorbed to other cultures and languages and their identity is no longer the same. Language has not been given the intensity it deserves in matters of any culture anywhere. Some people may not totally forget their culture and language but they do not practice, and gradually it disappears. Of course my argument must be clear that this tribal, clan and racial interma rriages are very positive towards promoting harmony anywhere in the world but the factor itself is harmful to the survival of some cultures and languages.And by assurance, this is causing a very hot debate as already many cultures, languages, groups of people and tribes are disappearing or they are totally extinct. One other important lesson is the relationship between environment and man. Environment shapes culture and change in the environment alters the behavior and the living patterns of people thus culture in general. Environment is part in shaping man’s culture and man’s activities have been detrimental to the environment hence cultural change. (Embers 2007)

Jain Man Fasts to Death Essay

A 76 year old Indian man died of starvation that is called â€Å"santhara†. It is an old practice in Jainism where a person fasts for a number of days and is believed to help the person achieve salvation. Some people are still not amenable to this practice as they believe that this is a sort of suicide. On the other hand, Amar Chand, the man who died, believed that it would help him cleanse his soul as he has been ill for some time already. â€Å"Santhara† is a religious ritual described as intended death by fasting. During the process of fasting, the person is given time to reflect on his life, which is reason why this is considered to bring salvation. If someone feels like he has served his purpose in life and felt like he has imparted enough of himself to the world, one can decide to fast. There are a lot of religious practices in the world; some may even seem absurd and illogical. However, to the followers of the specific religions, their belief stands by the fact that they would be able to achieve something out of it; in this case, salvation. If you think about it, to decide that you have served your purpose is a sign of consciousness and knowledge of the belief that you are following. It shows that given enough will power and faith in something, anybody can do anything. To the Jains, though some may think that â€Å"santhara† is synonymous to suicide, they still hold on to the practice because as far as they know, being able to reflect upon one’s life can help them save themselves from spiritual death just as the Muslims believe that they need to travel to Mecca at least once in their life.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

The degree to which transparency and good governance have been Dissertation

The degree to which transparency and good governance have been advanced by organizational leadership in the United Arab Emirates - Dissertation Example According to the research findings the recent financial crisis that began with the subprime mortgage market in the United States has done more than correct an asset price bubble (which is typical of inefficiencies in market-based systems). It has drawn attention to factors that had exacerbated the adverse effects of such inefficiencies, in particular the poor banking regulatory regimes, and the lack of transparency and lamentable state of corporate governance in many regions across the globe. The adverse effects of the crisis were not confined to the borders of the United States, but quickly spread by means of the contagion effect throughout the interlinked financial centres of the world. Even economies that did not have an active derivatives market were affected due to the weakness in the US dollar – the principal international currency for global trade and against which several currencies are pegged. To stabilize the extremely volatile financial markets, massive bailout pack ages and debt restructuring efforts were urgently put together as quickly as possible. This stop-gap measure proved effective, but only in the short term. To ensure continued and full recovery, longer-term structural reform became the imperative, most important of which was the promotion of transparency. It was primarily because of concealment and fraud that many questionable financial transactions had evaded early detection, and accumulated to the point of that they could no longer be defused or contained by regulation. Mindful of the fact that the world’s national economies are inextricably linked and therefore the weakness of one is the weakness of all, global financial and economic alliances and unions called for greater transparency and regulatory compliance from all regional unions. The Middle East and North African (MENA) region is among the region's most cited for lack of transparency, with Somalia and Iraq identified as two of the worst-ranked countries in Transparen cy International’s Corruption Perception Index. While the UAE is far removed from either of these two, it nevertheless is bound by many commonalities including regional economic, political, and trade agreements. Furthermore, the UAE has been one of the nations which had attracted public attention precisely on this issue. Dubai, more than the

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Heaven and Hell Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Heaven and Hell - Essay Example Rick Rood in his article ‘The Truth about Heaven’ provides us with quotes from the Bible to enlighten us on some of the fundamental truths about what Heaven and Hell means to different people and how these teachings have impacted our lives. In the Hebrews it is said that ‘Heaven is the spiritual realm in which the glory of Gods presence is manifest, and in which dwell the angels of God, and all believers who have departed this world (Heb. 12:22-24). According to Isiah, ‘Heaven given in Scripture reveal a pervading sense of the holiness of God (Isa. 6; Rev. 4-5) Ezekiel too tells us that human words are not adequate enough to describe the beauty and glory of heaven. The apostle Paul’s description of heaven in (1 Cor. 2:9) compares heaven to "things which eye has not seen and ear has not heard, and which have not entered into the heart of man" (1 Cor. 2:9) Jesus refers to heaven as ‘Paradise’ when he addresses the thief who is about to die. "Today you shall be with me in Paradise" (Luke 23:43). Some of the most significant characteristics we may experience if we go to heaven are that we would be washed clean of all sin and undergo a great change in our spiritual nature, which in turn will help us to better our relationships with one another by removing the sins of jealousy, pride, envy, fear and shame. After God’s plan for us on this Earth ends, we would be endowed with the virtue of hope for much better things in the future. Hell, on the other hand, is for people who lead very evil lives and do not deserve God’s mercy and blessings and are faced with damnation. Dr. Towns, refers to the present day society with all its evils and temptations and says that the problem of sin cannot be tackled in the same way that was used in the ancient days. The present generation and the generations to come has to be dealt with in a different manner. He states that teachers have to be well trained in the Bible in order to be good communicators of the Church.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Historigraphy of the American West Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Historigraphy of the American West - Essay Example Alexander Mackenzie and Thomas Jefferson, George Catlin and Paul Kane, Frederic Remington and the North West Mounted Police: the United States West intertwined with the Canadian West - there are thousands f other such moments, innumerable cruxes, and myriad border-crossings. The problem, ever and always, is in how we "Americans" understand these things. (Canadians, f course, are also "Americans" in the sense f being f this continent.) Each f us, Canadians and United States people, living within a national myth borne f exceptionalism, seek to assert our country's historical narrative - especially the narrative f West: expansion - "Westward the Course f Empire Takes Its Way" or, in Canada, the Laurentian thesis propounded to the Canadian Pacific Railway (completed in 1885): Pierre Berton's "The National Dream" (or Gordon Lightfoot's "Canadian Railroad Trilogy) (Kaye). Yet these parallel narratives, historically intertwined as they were, and are, have too infrequently crossed, too infre quently been probed and understood as the interconnected fact-based stories they are. The significance f Jefferson's response to his worried moment over Mackenzie's transcontinental success is clear: the massed bulk f the University f Nebraska Press's The Journals f the Lewis and Clark Expedition (1983-99, 13 vols.) looms, the narrative versions f Lewis and Clark have piled up (though they were slow to start - the first, by Biddle, did not appear until 1814), James Fenimore Cooper's Leatherstocking series stands mythologizing them yet, especially in its third volume, The Prairie (1827). And two words - Undaunted Courage - have recently again broadcast Lewis and Clark throughout the United States through Stephen Ambrose's popular retelling f the story f their voyage f discovery. Yet early in Wallace Stegner's Wolf Willow (1962) - arguably the paradigm border-crossing Western text, a paradigm as autobiography, as history, as art - there is an invocation f the Lewis and Clark expedition on the upper Missouri in May 1805: "They came watchfully," Stegner writes, "for they were the first. They came stiffened with resolution and alert with wonder." "Every river and creek that came in from south or west brought word f the Stony Mountains and the passes that might lead to the Great South Sea; every stream from north or northwest was a possible trail to the Saskatchewan in Prince Rupert's Land. More and more, as they moved westward, the country that lay between them and these desired goals was not merely unknown, it was un rumored" ( 19). Stegner's invocation f Lewis and Clark here - one that is both precise and careful - serves him an important narrative purpose: he places them on the Milk River bluffe (so called because Lewis and Clark renamed them for Euroamerican s), staring northward toward the Cypress Hills, the mythic place f his boyhood in Saskatchewan to which he returns through Wolf Willow. Standing at the apex f the continent, Lewis and Clark, Stegner writes, "would have been looking down the imperceptible hill that led to Hudson Bay" (42). Such a careful placement f these paradigmatic explorers in a paradigmatic text by a writer who was a literal border-crosser, and so also something f a paradigm himself, is indicative. Stegner was born in the United States, he self-identified as American but, having spent his

Monday, August 26, 2019

Manuel Castells perspectives on the challenges of the network society Essay

Manuel Castells perspectives on the challenges of the network society - Essay Example This paper is a response to the final chapter of Manuel Castells’ work The Internet Galaxy. It will provide an overview of the author’s perspective on the challenges imposed by the network society and Castells’ judgment will be analyzed by comparing with other scholarly sources on the same topic. Manuel Castells has no qualms in admitting the fact that the network society â€Å"offers as many opportunities as it raises challenges† (2001, p.275). In his opinion the beneficial aspect of this network society were features like innovation and freedom of thinking that it encouraged but these were gradually overtaken by oppressive and restrictive ways. Instead of encouraging freedom of expression, it provides the means of controlling information as well as prompts the biased and monopolized use of the data (2001, p.277). This is an honest take from the author regarding the potential and somewhat long-term aftereffects of network society. Chris Kitchen argues by assuring that the most incredible fruit of network society â€Å"is the role of social media in the recent social movements and uprisings, particularly the momentous events of 2011 starting in North Africa and the Middle East† (2012). From this perspective rapid information sharing and globalization that is primarily regulated by information technology has induced awareness among people regarding their human, civil and political rights. On the contrary, Luke Tredinnick disagrees by providing the example of the democracy protests in Buran during 2007.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Slavery in 19thcentury America vs. Arabia Research Paper

Slavery in 19thcentury America vs. Arabia - Research Paper Example As slaves begin to populate into countries such as modern day Arabia new lucrative of trading slaves became a common theme. The elite sought this opportunity to trade amongst themselves and business flourished. This become a focal point which facilitated the growth of imperialism. Conquest was crucial not only to supply labor force, but to also extend its boundaries. One of the biggest motivating points for slavery in the Arabian Peninsula was the economy itself that was most intriguing. The Arabian state was in the state of conquer where the influx of wealth enabled labor to thrive. With the ever-growing economy, it only made sense that the agriculture force needed to be amplified. At its peak, this part of the continent was flourishing from East to West as its border dominated the agriculture front. The Arabs needed to a labor force, for properties and landowners, who propagated the cause. This was especially true during the 19th century where the significance of breaking the Ottom an Empire was crucial. The enormous amount of wealth that was accumulated from the wars resulted in wealthy landowners. These landowners in essence also become politicians in the senate and pushed for the cause. Since citizenship was only granted to Arabs and elite status wealthy land owners, the slavers never got the level of citizenship. Hence, it was inevitable that slavery was already part of the lifestyle. Another interesting element about the Arabs slave trade was to execute gender and conquest. This was excruciating considering the fact that men were utilized impregnate conquered women. One of the major differences between slavery in in America was the fact that Americans were not trying to be imperialistic at this stage. Slavery was just another element that was embedded because of globalization that took place. The era of industrialization became a crucial factor that

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Article Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 19

Review - Article Example To ensure effectiveness in resolving these conflicts entails use of varied approaches that vary significantly with organizations. Conflict is a growing concern in numerous organizations globally. Based on Mayer and Louw’s article, conflict is part of a person; hence, it is a ubiquitous feature of professional and socio-cultural interaction (Mayer & Louw, 2012). In this article, authors have addressed its theme from other studies’ methodological approaches ranging from positivist to communal constructivist besides interpretative paradigms (Mayer & Louw, 2012). Hence, it permits for a comprehensive variety of research statistics. Conflict is termed as being part of human. Based on this study, currently researches concerning effective management of cross-cultural conflict have been on the rise for the decades both globally and at interdisciplinary level. These different perspectives include and not limited to sociology, psychology, anthropology, health and behavioral sciences as well as communication (Mayer & Louw, 2012). According to Mayer and Louw (2012), conflicts can affect decision-making process; output, creativity, lead to distress, employees’ distraction and relationships in working places besides individual effectiveness (Mayer & Louw, 2012). However, if well managed can bear benefits ranging from job satisfaction, stre ss discount to individual well-being of the involved parties especially in the working place (Mayer & Louw, 2012). In workplaces, effective management strategies encompass first diagnosing and analyzing of organizational conflict, and eventually devising effective intervention procedures or approaches to resolve it. The strategies used by the organizations include, analyzing types of impacts and conflict resolution style. Moreover, cooperation in organizations is among the main concepts in reducing conflicts in a

Friday, August 23, 2019

Student Notebook 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Student Notebook 1 - Essay Example Initially it was affiliated to the Boulevard Baptist Church who also funded the first owned premises and building for the church. The church took its present name in 1967. During the first half of the 1970s the church faced financial problems and there were even discussions of closing the church. But a pastor named John Vaughn agreed to build up membership again. He was able to increase its membership from forty five to above hundred with a period of three years. He also became the chief pastor of the church. Soon, it became impossible to accommodate all the members and some of them had to stand outside when attending mass and other functions. In 1978, a tragedy in the Vaughn family in the form a fire turned blessing for the church. The burns received by the couple’s daughter and the tremendous resilience shown by the family soon created a lot of public attention and sympathy. Membership increased to more than nine hundred within two years. In 1994 the congregation bought a tw o acre tract of land and built a larger church that is now seen today. The church now has approximately 1200 members. This paper answers six questions related to different areas faith, belief and administration and are answered one by one below. It is interesting to note that the US Constitution has rightly allowed religion to be free in the country. It means that no religious institution needs to be incorporated (or have a constitution) as a legal entity under statute. Those who exercise the option can do so voluntarily even though this option has certain legal implication that has both advantages and disadvantages. This clause was included in the First Amendment of the US Constitution when Thomas Jefferson was president of the country and was based upon a sentence he wrote. The clause is referred to as the wall of separation. The first part of this beautifully worded sentence is given here to show the respect

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Birmingham International Airport Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

Birmingham International Airport - Assignment Example Real estate values drop and countryside vanishes as air traffic increases. The additional vehicle traffic requires new roads or maintenance of existing ones and further degrades air quality and raises noise pollution. The proposed Birmingham Alternative attempts to address environmental and economic issues. The BIA has offered to build a wide-spaced runway to reduce the negative impact on the Solihull Borough area. Some believe the economic benefits are offset by the level of noise and air pollution as detailed in such reports as The Plain Truth, a study commissioned by the Ashford Trust. Compromises can be reached by efforts to decrease demand which will lessen congestion, emissions and noise levels, which have been shown to cause health problems and learning disabilities in children. Airports and the aviation industry are an important part of the UK culture and economy. The government, local residents and the airports can work together to ensure that the increasing air travel does not significantly effect the health of UK residents and the environment. The Birmingham International Airport (BIA) was built and operated by the Birmingham City Council in 1939. During World War II the RAF used the facilities until 1946 when the airport resumed civilian use, but it was controlled by the government until 1960 (BIA). The airport exp The airport expanded several times throughout the years with the "Eurohub' being added in July 1991. It was billed as the first terminal to host both domestic and international passengers. Remnants of the original airport are still evident west of the hangars near the main runway. In April 1987 the airport changed hands and became the Birmingham International Airport plc (public limited company) owned by seven district councils in the West Midlands. BIA currently serves over 800,000 passengers a month and hosts thirty eight airlines, making it the fifth busiest airport in England. The airport handles nine million passengers a year and is located near the M42 motorway and A45 main road. Service is also provided by the Birmingham International railway station. The airport currently has two paved runways one being 2,605 metres and the other 1,315 metres. Expansion plans include

Meaning of life essay Essay Example for Free

Meaning of life essay Essay What is the meaning of life? Many agree that the answer depends on the person asking the question. When Albert Camus and Richard Taylor decide to answer this question, they must take an in-depth look into the real and mythological worlds to arrive at a concise answer to this question that has baffled so many. Both have similar views with subtle differences however Taylors view is the more accurate of the two. When looking into the biological world, Taylor clearly describes how much of it can be identified with the Greek tale of Sisyphus. His first of two examples take an in-depth look into glowworms. They go through this cycle like Sisyphus did with his rock and ultimately they have nothing more to show for it than reproducing. They are condemned to this fate and like the rock that Sisyphus rolls up the hill, once they fall down, the burden is passed onto the next generation of worms, making their existence ultimately pointless. The story is the same with migrating birds, as they seasonally migrate across the planet just to do the exact same thing the next year (Klemke, 2008). The effort put into this, like the effort Sisyphus puts into rolling the rock up the hill, ultimately accomplishes nothing and in the end is futile. The birds are condemned to a meaningless task that has no meaning, but gives them purpose. Taylor states The point of any living things life is, evidently, nothing but life itself (Klemke, 2008), something that Sisyphus himself endures as he rolls the rock throughout eternity, with the only difference between him and the biological beings being that instead of each organism doing the same repetitive task for eternity, they pass on their mundane tasks to the next generation. Taylors solution to the meaning of life is a complicated one since he truly sees absolutely no meaning to it. Everything in this world is contingent and as a whole is seemingly meaningless. This is what he calls objective meaning. He went on to say that life has no end goal and that what you do can never be more than you, something similar to what Sisyphus went through. At the same time, he went on to say how life also has subjective meaning, meaning that life matters to the person living in that world in that period of time. As Sisyphus was rolling the rock up hill hill for eternity, Taylor asks what if the gods had made it his eternal desire to roll that rock up that hill, and what if he enjoyed nothing else more than rolling that rock for the rest of his life (Klemke, 2008). The same can be said about those that do what they love, and even though that has no objective meaning as a whole, it could have subjective meaning to the individual performing the task since there is nothing else they would rather do. He went on to say that as time passes A curious eye can in imagination reconstruct from what is left a once warm and thriving life, filled with purpose. (Klemke, 2008). This was in reference to looking back at an old barren wasteland, where although now it has no meaning, it once had subjective meaning to others and even though something has no end goal, that does not mean that it is meaningless, since in that moment in time it had meaning. He sees the meaning of life as nothing but life itself, and that the only way to live a full and meaningful life is to do something that has meaning to you. The end goal does not matter as long as what you are doing has meaning to you, and one thing does not have greater meaning over another. His solution involved projecting meaning onto our own lives by embracing our struggles, even if they accomplish nothing lasting and worthwhile (Cengage, 2013). Camus had a slightly different solution to the meaning of life. He truly saw no meaning to life and questioned why anyone would ever want to live in it (Klemke, 2008). He questioned peoples motives and why all individuals would never commit suicide when they know that they saw the world they lived in. He sees the world as absurd and the fact that we can accept that as surprising. Rational beings live in an irrational world, where people who are obsessed with reason cannot find it. He sees that the there is absolutely no meaning to the world. When he relates human lives to Sisyphus, he considers our everyday lives as pushing a rock up a hill and pushing it back down in a never-ending cycle until death. The tragedy of it is that we are never truly conscious of the absurd, and in those moments when we are conscious of the absurd, we experience the greatest moral downfall imaginable. The only way to live in this world is to live in contradiction. Once we can accept that the world we live in is absurd, we no longer need to live for hope or have this dying need for purpose (Tomo, 2013). It means not only accepting it but also being fully conscious and aware of it, because that is the only way we can enjoy the freedoms of life as long as we abide by a few common rules (Lane, 2013). He sees this as being the ultimate way to embrace everything the unreasonable world has to offer us. This is known as absurd freedom, when you are conscious of the world you live in and are freed from the absurdity. You can then reach a point of acceptance where you can feel truly content with your own life (Lane, 2013). He considers Sisyphus as being the absurd hero, since he performs a meaningless task because he hates death, and so he does this meaningless task to live to the fullest. He embraces his destiny and one could truly believe that he is happy with it. The meaning of life also does not matter about what are the best moments of living, or doing what is meaningful to the individual, but who did the most living. This can be further explained with Camuss reference to Sisyphus, where the only thing differentiating our lives from his is that his is eternal. As humans, we will eventually deteriorate and die off, and in a world where nothing has meaning and everything is repetitive, the one who has lived for the longest period of time has truly made the most of it. Out of the two solutions, it is clear why both Camus and Taylor thought the way they did. One solution was based on doing things in general while the other focused on living as long as physically possible. In my opinion, although both have strong footings, I must say that although Camus position is slightly stronger logically, Taylors position has much better emotional traction. When Camus states that the world is completely absurd and that none of it has any meaning, his argument makes sense. We live in a world where even though we are creatures that demand reasoning and meaning for everything, there is none in the world we are currently in. Taylor agrees to a certain extent, but then introduces his idea of different kinds of meaning: subjective. He tries to give meaning to tasks that give us fulfillment true subjective meaning, but these same tasks have no objective meaning since they have no end goal. Logically, such tasks can have no meaning because they have no lasting value, something that Camus himself tried to explain, ultimately making Camuss position stronger logically. Emotionally, the case is quite the opposite. Camus tells us we should accept our fate and just try to live on this planet for as long as we can, something only an atheist would willingly accept with grace. He goes on to say as long as there is no end goal in life; there is no meaning in life. However, many that live their every day lives do not think on such an emotionless level. Taylor on the other hand gives the position of there being two different kinds of meanings, and although objective meaning doesnt exist, subjective meaning can give each one of us our own definition of what meaning is, which in this case is something to do. Even though the culmination of these events will ultimately lead to nothing, it doesnt mean that they were a complete waste of time since they gave us something to do (. The same can be said about the birds and the glowworms. Their lives have no end goal as their lives were nothing but a never-ending cycle, but it gave them something to do in life no matter how meaningless it may seem to someone looking from the outside in. The most important point Taylor makes is that the tasks we do can have meaning to us, but another individual looking in could see the exact same task as being meaningless, and that is to be expected. Subjective meaning depends on the exact moment in time, which relates to such expressions as live in the moment or Carpe Diem, because after that moment has passed, all the meaning that is associated with it disappears. People like to believe that what theyre doing will always have meaning in one form or another, and as long as they believe in that, they are in a better state of mind than believing that everything in life is meaningless and that we should only strive to live as long as we can. This can be seen as living in denial, but emotions are something humans unlike many animals live with on a minutely basis and must be accounted for. Furthermore, although Camus position makes logical sense, it makes little to know emotional sense since it does not account for the human aspect of life. CITATIONS Barnett, Richard. An absurd faith: Camus and The Myth of Sisyphus. Internet Archive: Wayback Machine. http://web. archive. org/web/20071012140207/http://www. geocities. com/a_and_e_uk/Sisyphus. htm (accessed March 19, 2013). (Only for research purposes) Lane , Bob. The Absurd Hero. Vancouver Island University, Degree Programs Canada Master Bachelor Education Degrees Canada | VIU. http://records. viu. ca/www/ipp/absurd. htm (accessed March 19, 2013). Klemke, E. D. , and Steven M. Cahn. Albert Camus: The Myth of Sisyphus. In _The meaning of life: a reader_. 3rd ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008. 72-82. Klemke, E. D. , and Steven M. Cahn. Richard Taylor: The Meaning of Life. In _The meaning of life: a reader_. 3rd ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008. 134-143. The Meaning of life: Richard Taylor. Cengage. www. cengage. com/philosophy/book_content/1439046948_feinberg/introductions/part_5/ch19/Life_Taylor. html (accessed March 19, 2013). Tomo, Ramirez. Camus, Sisyphus Taylor, The Meaning of Life. Deanza. edu. www. deanza. edu/faculty/ramireztono/phil01/camustaylornotes. pdf (accessed March 19, 2013).

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Introduction Of Computer Virus

Introduction Of Computer Virus Computer Virus is a program that copies itself, Computer virus can infect your computer and slowing down your computer. And virus also can spreads computer to computer. The person who sends out the computer virus may use networking of the internet. The computer virus also can be spread by via disk, CD, thauDVD or flash drive or other devices. Usually, a virus is written to target a network file system or shared filet in order to spread from computer to computer using network. Worm or Trojan is slightly different from another virus it appears harmless, This is the type of virus which enters the programs exploits security hothatmay have spread through other networks or Internet users. Computer virus are usually small, which are design to spread from one computer to other computer and to enter and interfere Computer operation. Virus might corrupt your windows or might delete the important data on your computer, Normaly virus can be spread through e-mails program to other computer which can even delete everything on the hard disk. Often Computer viruses can be spread by attachments by e-mail massages or even can be instant massaging . that is why must never one a email which we dont know where it came from and who send it we may never know it could be virus. Virus can be as attachments of funny images or video or files it can spread when u download to your computer from the internet. HOW COMPUTER VIRUSES WORK Virus can infect a small section of software or it will be there when the user open the program or runs the programs . It could be attached word or excel or other software programs it can be in any form or in any types of files. Email viruses are totally different from the virus which uses email to infect computers. An attachment or files in a email that open or download from your email will be launch infection allowing to spread. An email virus cannot ifnfect your compur unless the malicious file is open. A virus called Trojans can work by claiming a game file or other file to get inside.It could then erase the content that stored on your hard drive or other drives. Trojans do not replicate like a virus but worms is able to attack the security holes and then replicate in the network to spread to other computer which uses network. COMPUTER IFFECTION first thing you might not realize win32, kido, conficker, trojans orviruses have not got into your computer if u dont have Internet Security and other antivirus software.the ability of the program to get inside an operation system undetected . Depending on the infection, you may be greeted with a black or blue screen when the OS is unable to load; you will not be able to access any files, documents or other information on the computer. If there is only one file infected, the computer may not be able to open the file . when shut down you may get massages that a program is still running but the program may have numbers and letters only. IT is most often not a program that you recongnise, even though it might state it is in the part of a system operation. Task manager is to stop the program without result since the virus,trojan or malicious entity has the control it to continue the infecting the computer until it has run its course,rendering your computer ineffective. WAYS TO SOLVE COMPUTER VIRUSES THE WAYS TO PROTECT YOUR COMPUTER Understanding what is virus and how is works the first step to obtaining the necessary protection of computer . Computer with the latest window. Window 7 have firewall , security updates / patches and windowa Defender.These devices are the first thing to protect your computer and they work as PC virus protection, but that is not enough to stop all the problems. You need to find additional antivirus protection. Antivirus software such as Mac antivirus or Windows 7 antivirus are further protection programs that will stop computer viruses. They are a second line of defence, if you will. Antivirus software tends to block holes left by PC virus protection. Hackers that encounters antivirus software will have to work harder to get through with thei computer viruses. Therefore you need not to worry about spending a lot of money for your anti-virus now day there many free anti-virus which can download in a secure web site which keeps your computer protected. There many free anti-virus which is designed to automatic run an initial scan of the computer to see if your computer is effected. It will then remove any infections you might have. It may be unable to remove the entire infection, in which case it will quarantine the virus in a place where it can no longer affect other files on your computer. It will also try to repair any damage. Other Protection Methods By Downloading any antivirus software helps, But there is also other measures your own to keep malicious viruses. First thing never open an email attachment if u canà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢t identify the sender and also have your our own antivirus software runs a scan on the attachment in the event that the senderà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s computer has been infected. Second, do not download any items from a site you do not trust or that does not have the secured server symbol a lock. Download only files you recognize, including music, movies and other online media. Third, set up your wireless network security and obtain a mobile antivirus. An unsecure Internet connection is an invitation to hackers to try to download malicious threats. A mobile antivirus is also set up for wireless networks, whereas other antivirus software is meant for secured connections. TYPE OF VIRUSES Resident Viruses This type of virus is a permanent which dwells in the RAM memory. From there it can overcome and interrupt all of the operations executed by the system: corrupting files and programs that are opened, closed, copied, renamed Direct Action Viruses The main purpose of this virus is to replicate and take action when it is executed. When a specific condition is met, the virus will go into action and infect files in the directory or folder that it is in and in directories that are specified in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file PATH. This batch file is always located in the root directory of the hard disk and carries out certain operations when the computer is booted. Overwrite Viruses Virus of this kind is characterized by the fact that it deletes the information contained in the files that it infects, rendering them partially or totally useless once they have been infected. The only way to clean a file infected by an overwrite virus is to delete the file completely, thus losing the original content. Examples of this virus include: Way, Trj.Reboot, Trivial.88.D. Boot Virus This type of virus affects the boot sector of a floppy or hard disk. This is a crucial part of a disk, in which information on the disk itself is stored together with a program that makes it possible to boot (start) the computer from the disk. The best way of avoiding boot viruses is to ensure that floppy disks are write-protected and never start your computer with an unknown floppy disk in the disk drive. Examples of boot viruses include: Polyboot.B, AntiEXE. Macro Virus Macro viruses infect files that are created using certain applications or programs that contain macros. These mini-programs make it possible to automate series of operations so that they are performed as a single action, thereby saving the user from having to carry them out one by one. Examples of macro viruses: Relax, Melissa.A, Bablas, O97M/Y2K. Directory Virus Directory viruses change the paths that indicate the location of a file. By executing a program (file with the extension .EXE or .COM) which has been infected by a virus, you are unknowingly running the virus program, while the original file and program have been previously moved by the virus. Once infected it becomes impossible to locate the original files. PICTURE CONCLUSION To keep our computer safe we need to anti à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ virus programs that stores the definition known as virus and malware program. To keep our anti-virus active we need to update and scan our computer every time we use computer. Now it should be clear that how important to use a computer and keep it safe from viruses. and u should always full scan your computer for virus to prevent the loss of data. when ever u use a pendrive or external hard disk you must scan for viruses to keep your computer safe. 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Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Importance Of E Commerce In Globalization

The Importance Of E Commerce In Globalization In the new era of Globalization, new opportunities for countries economic growth are knocking the doors, the new trends of market open the way for new countries to emerge and enhance their economies, for the common Ultimate goal of better well being. Kazakhstan, as the one of participant of global processes of development of e-commerce, aspires to occupy the appropriate place in this market. The analysis of information‘s application and communication technologies was carried out by the programs-the Real Monitoring of the Kazakhstan Internet and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Readiness for an Information Society by the Actis Systems Asia in Kazakhstan in 2001. The results of the analysis have shown the following representations about the Kazakhstan users of the Internet. The audience of the Internet in Kazakhstan is submitted in the basic experts in the given sphere, businessmen and students. There are nearly two millions of the men of the adult population living in the large cities. Thus one million, men receives information from the Internet independently or through the intermediaries. Also researches on the users of the Internet on a level of the incomes have shown that the Internet is visited by the persons both with high and low level of income. 2.1 Importance of E-commerce In fact, e-commerce come to be one of the catalysts that can promote the way for better trading and better economy, Mahesh and Vishnu (2005) discuss how E-commerce has a tremendous growth potential and also generates economic growth in the country. Furthermore â€Å"E-commerce promises better business for SMEs and sustainable economic development for developing countries.† (Ruth, 2003) In addition, at the beginning of 2000, Benbasat, Ives and Piccoli conducted a survey of the IS World Community on the â€Å"Electronic Commerce Top Research Questions†. The result of that survey indicates e-commerce success as one of the important electronic commerce research issues. And the measurement of E-commerce success is one of the research questions which are identified in that survey. Alemayehu (2001) Therefore, while implementing e-commerce, we have to measure of E-commerce success to understand where we are now and which factors are more crucial for better implementing. 2.2 Defining and measuring E-commerce â€Å"Electronic commerce or e-commerce refers to a wide range of online business activities for products and services.† (Anita, 2000) â€Å"E-commerce is usually associated with buying and selling over the Internet, or conducting any transaction involving the transfer of ownership or rights to use goods or services through computer- mediated work.† (Thomas, 2000) â€Å"E-commerce is the use of electronic communications and digital information processing technology in business transactions to create, to transform, and to redefine relationships for value creation between or among organizations, and between organizations and individuals†. (Lallana et al, 2000) Moreover definition of e-commerce is adopted describing internet commerce as â€Å"the sharing of business information, maintaining business relationships and conducting business transactions by means of Internet- based technology.† (Zwasse, 1996) â€Å"The E-commerce improves communication channels a nd provides a virtual interactive environment where the suppliers and customers can exchange information and products.† (Gunasekaran and Ngai, 2005) Also Evans and Wurster (1997) â€Å"acknowledge that e-commerce allows both customers and suppliers to reduce the transactions costs significantly and enables information to reach more people without sacrificing the richness of the content.† 2.3 E-commerce perspectives â€Å"Electronic commerce and its related activities over the internet can be the engines that improve domestic economic well-being through liberalization of domestic services, more rapid integration into globalization of production, and leap-fogging of available technology. Electronic commerce integrates the domestic and global markets from its very inception.† (Catherine L. Mann, 2000) E-commerce often through to refer to the buying and selling of goods through the internet only. However, E-commerce involves much more than electronically mediated financial transactions between organization and customer Chaffey (2002). Table.1 presents range of perspectives regarding what is considered as E-commerce. Table.1 Range of perspectives regarding what is considered as â€Å"E-commerce† (Source from: Kalakota and Winston, 1996) Figure.1 The main objectives usage of the internet in Republic Kazakhstan Source from: Agency on Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Available from As mentioned before by Chaffey (2002) we can see from the Figure.1 presents range of perspectives regarding what is considered as E-commerce. 2.4 Current situation of E-commerce in Kazakhstan and Korea 2.4.1 Korea â€Å"Korea was an independent kingdom under Chinese suzerainty for most of the past millennium. Following its victory in the Russo-Japanese War in 1905, Japan occupied Korea; five years later it formally annexed the entire peninsula. After World War II, a republic was set up in the southern half of the Korean Peninsula while a communist style government was installed in the north. During the Korean War (1950-1953), US and other UN forces intervened to defend South Korea from North Korean attacks supported by the Chinese. An armistice was signed in 1953, splitting the peninsula along a demilitarized zone at about 38th parallel. Thereafter, South Korea achieved rapid economic growth with per capita income rising to roughly 14 times the level of North Korea.† (Internet World Stats, 2010 Available from: In Table.3 Internet Usage Statistics is 34,820,000 Internet users as of Sept/08, 70% of the population, according to NIDA. Latest population Estimate: 49,232,844 populations for 2008, according to US Census Bureau. Gross National Income: GNI Per capita is (ppp) US$ 17, 690 (‘06) according to World Bank. Country Area: 99,268 Population density is 510 persons per 2.4.3 Internet Usage Status According to the 2008 survey by Korean Communications Commission and National Internet Development Agency, Koreas Internet users spend an average of 13, 7 hours per week, in which 69.2% more than half are using the Internet for an average of more than 7 hours per week. 98.5% of the places for using the Internet is surveyed as â€Å"home†, followed by 39,4% at office, 18.7% at no certain places (including wireless access), 13.9% at facility for public access (Internet cafes and game clubs) and 17.1% at â€Å"school† (Figure.1, Table.3) 2.4.4 E-commerce in Korea E-commerce represents online business transactions performed electronically by business subjects utilizing information and communication technology and the Internet. It also represents the related activities of business subjects to fulfill such transactions. Major business subjects can be categorized as individuals, corporations, and governments. The idiom e-commerce is comparable to E-business equally used interchangeably in the field. E-commerce may be regarded as a rather limited term, focusing on the transaction itself as a means of interchanging goods or services. In contrast, e-business includes rather broadly the activity of building IT infrastructure and the application of information technology to business. E-commerce standardization is the process of eliciting related standards from e-commerce industry members. The roadmap for e-commerce standardization is defined as providing guidelines or directions for e-commerce standardization. The intention is to present guidelines for developing e-commerce technologies to e-commerce related parties, such as private corporations, and to convey proper instructions for driving e-commerce standardization systematically and efficiently. To accomplish such objectives, the roadmap should contain the following materials: Outline of e-commerce, e-commerce standards, and standardization; Classification of e-commerce technology; Core elements of e-commerce technology for standardization; Status analysis of core technologies; Selection and timetable of to-be-standardized technology items; Information to project from any previous or future roadmaps The Roadmap project is comprised of three phases, from 2001 to 2003: Phase I: Standards status analysis, overall standards implementation timetable, and 2001 timetable for selected time-sensitive priority standards. Phase II: Status analysis of Phase I results, analysis, and classification of e-commerce technology, selection of individual standard items within each category, and overall 2002 standardization timetables, all taken in strategic approach to e-commerce framework standards. Phase III: Combination of the artifacts of Phase I and Phase II and consideration of changes necessary to produce a final comprehensive version of an e-commerce standards roadmap as a national guideline. The e-business environment changes rapidly and continuously. Although the Forum finished the initial three-phase project and produced a final version, it continues to update the contents of the version on a yearly basis (Jakobs, 2005) à Ã‚ ¢Ãƒ Ã‚ °Ãƒ Ã‚ ±Ãƒ Ã‚ »Ãƒ Ã‚ ¸Ãƒâ€˜Ã¢â‚¬  Ãƒâ€˜Ã†â€™ à Ã‚ ¼Ãƒ Ã‚ ¾Ãƒ Ã‚ ¶Ãƒ Ã‚ ½Ãƒ Ã‚ ¾ à Ã‚ ´Ãƒ Ã‚ ¾Ãƒ Ã‚ ±Ãƒ Ã‚ °Ãƒ Ã‚ ²Ãƒ Ã‚ ¸Ãƒâ€˜Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ãƒâ€˜Ã…’ à Ã‚ ¿Ãƒâ€˜Ã¢â€š ¬Ãƒ Ã‚ ¾ à Ã‚ ²Ãƒ Ã‚ ¾Ãƒ Ã‚ »Ãƒâ€˜Ã… ½Ãƒ Ã‚ ¼ The volume of E-commerce by type The volume of e-Commerce in Korea reached KRW 516.514 trillion in 2007, which was an increase of KRW 102.930 trillion (24.9%) from 2006. The volume and proportion of each transaction type shows that B2B accounts for 89.9% of the entire businesses with KRW 464.456 trillion, while B2G takes 7.1% with KRW 36.801 trillion. B2C takes 2.0% with KRW 10.226 trillion, and C2C takes 1.0% with KRW 5.032 trillion. Compared to 2006, the transaction volumes have all increased: B2B by 26.8%, B2G by 6.9% and B2C by 12.0% and C2C by 31.5%. B2B: The total B2B e-Commerce transaction volume in 2007 reached KRW 464.456 trillion, which increased 26.8% (KRW 98.264 trillion) from KRW 366.191 trillion in 2006. Of the B2B transactions, buyer-led transactions increased by 21.9% to KRW 321.058 trillion and seller-led transactions increased by 38.3% to KRW 119.246 trillion. Broker-led transactions also increased by 45.2% to KRW 24.152 trillion. The proportions of seller-led and broker-led transactions both increased by 2.2%p and 0.7%p to 25.7% and 5.2% respectively. However, buyer-led transaction showed a decrease by 2.8%p to 69.1% from 71.9% of the previous year. B2G: The 2007 B2G e-Commerce volume of government bodies such as central administrative organizations, local governments, and offices of education accounted for KRW 36.801 trillion, which increased 6.9% from KRW 34.435 trillion in the previous year. Of this amount, the construction contract volume has increased 14.4% (KRW 2.166 trillion), and the purchase volume of goods and services has increased 1.0% (KRW 200 billion) from 2006. B2C/C2C: The B2C e-Commerce transaction in 2007 reached KRW 10.226 trillion after increasing 12.0% from 2006, and the C2C transaction increased 31.5% to KRW 5.318 trillion. The transaction volume through online shopping malls in 2007 has increased by 17.1% (KRW 2.306 trillion) from KRW 13.460 trillion in 2006 to KRW 15.766 trillion. Of this amount, B2C transaction takes the largest portion with 64.9% (KRW 10.226 trillion), 68 followed by C2C 31.9% (KRW 5.032 trillion) and B2B 3.2% (KRW 508 billion) (Informatization White Paper, 2008: 33-35) Informatization White Paper (2008). 2.5 Kazakhstan â€Å"The current independent state of Kazakhstan declared in 1991.It has population of 15. 4 million people with a land mass of 2.7 million square kilometers. The GNI per capita was 1860 Euro in 2005, according to the World Bank. Kazakhstan is the constitutional republic with a President and bicameral legislature. The country consists of 14 provinces and 3 municipal districts.† (McNamee, 2006) According to independent research company ICT-Marketing (2010) held its annual study of internet audience in Kazakhstan. The results shown that for 2009 number of internet users were 3.16 million people, or 19.8 % of population. Furthermore 80% of internet users are using ADSL connection. As it stated by ESCAP: â€Å"In 2000, there were first Kazakhstan online shops. The online shops conduct the retail trade in consumer goods. Their quantity is increased with each month. Priority task is the connection of Kazakhstan to the international system of e-trade. Through this system, it is possible to unit interests of the clients (consumers of the goods and services) and trade organizations of the various countries. Now there are following systems of information interaction between the subjects of economic activity: Inter firm business-to-business, intercompany, consumer business-to-consumer, governmental government-to-citizens, tender business-to-government, and auction consumer-to-consumer.† (Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the pacific, 2002) 2.5.1 ICT Infrastructure The low Internet penetration rate is mainly due to the lack of competition and of modern equipment in the telecommunications sector. In order to continue the promising growth in terms of Internet access, the government has run a program for the development of the telecommunications sector in 2005. The program includes a phased liberalization of telecommunications market to achieve a competitive environment by allowing new operators to enter the market. In addition the telecommunications infrastructure is being modernized by using state-of-the-art technologies such as fiber-optic cables. In implementing the program for development of the telecommunications sector, accessibility to the Internet will be improved especially in remote areas. At the same time, increased bandwidth and affordable rates for Internet access will contribute to improve the quality and increasing the use of the Internet in the business sector as well as in private households. 2.6 E-commerce in Kazakhstan 2.6.1 Current situation â€Å"Kazakhstan, as the participant of global processes of development of e-commerce, aspires to occupy the appropriate place in this market. The country has favorable geographical location for transit of flows of materials, power, human and information between Europe and Asia. It is the basis for successful development of e-commerce in Kazakhstan. Another basis for development of e-commerce is desire to improve the informational telecommunication network.† (Economic and social commission for Asia and the Pacific, 2002) â€Å"Today in Kazakhstan, there is a sufficient quantity of the companies applying for a rank à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¢the supplier of the decisions of e-business. These companies offer various packages of the decisions for development of own business in online.† (Economic and social commission for Asia and the Pacific, 2002) According to independent research company ICT-Marketing (2010) held its annual study of internet audience in Kazakhstan. The results shown that for 2009 number of internet users were 3, 16 million people, or 19, 8 % of population. Furthermore 80% of internet users are using ADSL connection. 2.6.2 Existing issues in Kazakhstan â€Å"The basic reasons of the slowed down rate of development of e-commerce in Kazakhstan are: insufficient quantity of the participants of e-trade, absence of the laws, which adjust the relation to the participants of e-commerce, safety problem for the information, which is transferred through the Internet, insufficient protection of the rights of the consumers in the purchase of the goods and services in the Internet.† (Electronic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, 2002) In addition from 2003 year E-commerce Center has been worked on Kazakhstan market. The reason for creating the company was the government regulation of Republic of Kazakhstan of December 13, 2003 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾- 1262 About some issues of Public Procurement Agency of Republic of Kazakhstan, as a result Republican State Public Enterprise E-commerce Center of Financial Control and Public Procurement of Ministry of Finance of Republic of Kazakhstan was created. In 2007 E-commerce center joined the National Scientific and Technological Holding Samgau as a subsidiary company and was reorganized into Ltd E-commerce Center. Nowadays, successful business is looking for new ways of development, and to attract customers and partners worldwide. Internet and commerce have become an integral part of each other, creating the concept of e-commerce. The main activities Ltd. E-Commerce Center are: Development, implementation and support of software and information systems in public procurement; Maintenan ce of the information system of electronic public procurement; Training of staff of organizations participants in the process of public procurement, including training in the system of electronic public procurement; Organizing seminars, conferences in the field of public procurement; Participate in the development of legal and regulatory framework for electronic public procurement; Technical and system services for computer and communications equipment in the field of electronic public procurement; Research in the field of electronic commerce. (E-commerce center, 2010) Source: ( 2.6.3 How the market of Kazakhstan is ready to move to e-commerce? The market of Kazakhstan is ready to move to electronic commerce. The state, creating electronic trading platforms and commodity exchanges, in particular, stimulates the development of trade, creating a meeting place for the subjects of trading activity without having to special requirements. The main objective the conclusion of an increasing number of sales transactions. In doing so, the legal regulation on trading floors and commodity exchanges, carried out the internal rules and regulations outside the state financial control and oversight. The establishment in the past year, a portal of electronic public procurement, helped make the first step the transition of Kazakhstan to the electronic trading and commerce at the state level. To provide opportunities for all wishing to make commercial transactions in electronic form, must first establish an adequate world class development and effective in our countrys laws. First steps in this direction have already been taken. However, to date there are still problems associated with not resolving the legislation in the field of electronic digital signature, the problem of the introduction of electronic money and the lack of literacy in information technology. Should be established and effective infrastructure for transactions and contracts in electronic form. And from a practical point of view, a crucial component of the infrastructure of e-procurement systems or electronic trading today is a public procurement portal. We must also remember that the development of electronic commerce to further exacerbating the problem of privacy, as well as the use info comm. technology has greatly facilitated the free collection of personal data and their synthesis of a variety of sources available in electronic networks. E-commerce, including public procurement, operating information, which is commonly called  «private nature of information ». And this is a very fine place in a legal provision where the availability of standards to ensure the fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens, is the general atmosphere of mutual trust and respect, and, ultimately, the success or failure of development of the entire e-commerce. It should be noted that the concept of public procurement is not smooth and fast. Nevertheless, a number of recently issued regulations on electronic commerce and government procurement systems show a high degree of interest on the part of the state and society to the problem. Conduct of electronic procurement is considered one of the basic public services and is one indicator of progress towards the electronic state. To date, Kazakhstan set up e-government portal. Continues to develop electronic public procurement portal, are becoming more and more use of electronic shops. In any future purchases from government procurement, and ending with the usual purchase of goods and services to citizens, it will be possible to implement in electronic form ( In Table.6 shown about ICT infrastructure in Republic of Korea and Kazakhstan, which was reviewed before. ICT Infrastructure Korea Kazakhstan Internet Usage: 37,475,800 Internet Users, 77.3% of the population Internet: 12.2million subscribers, 77% of total Households. Access is spreading quickly Doubled their exports of telecommunication equipment between 2000- 2003 A penetration rate of 65.7% In 2003 the Republic of Korea had 26.7 million Pcs High percentages of Internet access by enterprises (94%) Largest proportions of online purchases, of businesses with Internet (45.5%) Enterprises use an intranet (35.2%) Mobile phones: 36.58 million, 76% of population Innovativeness in products and services in South Korea (18th) Internet Usage: 3,160,000 Internet Users, 19.8% of the population Internet penetration rate 8.5% E-Readiness (3.2- 2007 out of 10) 80% of Internet access using ADSL with connection speed starting from 128 to 1024 Kbps High mobile phone penetration growth between 2003 and 2004 Internet access prizes starts from Megaline Start- 1930 Tenge (13$ USD per month, speed 256-1024 Kbps) Megaline Turbo Plus- 5 845 Tenge (40 $ USD per month, speed 1GB-8GB Kbps) Table.6ICT infrastructure in Republic of Korea and Kazakhstan 2.7 Different model of assessing e-commerce 2.7.1 DeLone and McLean Model DeLone and McLean Model of Information System Success (1992), IS Success (2003), Measuring e-commerce Success (2004) In order to provide a general and comprehensive definition of IS success that covers different perspectives of evaluating information systems, DeLone and McLean reviewed the existing definitions of IS success and their corresponding measures, and classified them into six major categories. Therefore, they created a multidimensional measuring model with interdependencies between the different success categories DeLone and McLean (1992). Motivated by DeLone and McLeans call for further development and validation of their model, many researchers have attempted to extend or re-specify the original model. Ten years after the publication of their first model and based on the evaluation of the many contributions to it, DeLone and McLean (2004) proposed an updated IS Success model. â€Å"The updated model consists of six interrelated dimensions of IS Success: information, system and service quality, (intention to) use, user satisfaction, and net benefits. The arrows demonstrate proposed associations between the success dimensions.† (Jang, 2010) â€Å"The IS Success Model of DeLone and McLean (1992) provided a common framework to evaluate IS effectiveness/success in information system research. Between 1993 and mid 1999, the IS Success Model of DeLone and McLean was cited by 144 refereed journal articles and 15 papers from the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS).† (Saha, 2008). DeLone and McLean (1992), prompted to develop a more integrated view of the concepts of success. This resulted in the IS Success Model (Figure.2), which is described as a â€Å"taxonomy of IS success measures† with a number of inter-relationships that are drawn together in a model of six major â€Å"dimensions or categories of IS Success† DeLone and McLeans IS Success Model (1992) have 6 domains, system quality, information quality, use, user satisfaction, individual impact, organization impact, so in Table.3 summary of measured items for the DeLone and McLean Model. An interpretation of the model is as follows: â€Å"System Quality and Information Quality singularly and jointly affect both Use and User Satisfaction†. Additionally, the amount of Use can affect the degree of User Satisfaction. Use and User Satisfaction are direct ante decent of Individual Impact, and this Impact on individual performance should eventually have some organization impact.† (DeLone and McLean, 1992) â€Å"The Updated DeLone and McLean information system success model(Figure.3) can be adapted to the measurement challenges of the new e-commerce world.† (Saha, 2008) This model is based on the updated DeLone and Mclean (2003) original success model. Important modifications to the initial model included: The quality construct of IS Success was extended to include Service Quality. The construct Systems Use was found to be multi-dimensional, e.g., mandatory versus voluntary use. As a result, Intention to Use was added to the model, to differentiate between Systems Use as a behavior as opposed to Intention to Use as an attitude. The constructs of Individual Impact and Organizational Impact were collapsed into a single dimension named Net Benefits. DeLone and McLean (2003). In addition to the improvements described above, the authors also suggest that the updated model provides â€Å"a parsimonious framework to organize the various success metrics identified in the IS and e-commerce literature† DeLone and McLean (2003) Source: Measuring E-commerce success: Applying the DeLone and McLean Information Systems Success Model, 2004 DeLone and Mclean Information Systems Success Model can be used to the measurement challenges of the new e-commerce world. The updated model (Figure.5) consists of six interrelated dimensions of information systems success: System quality, Information quality, Service quality, Use, User satisfaction, Net Benefits. â€Å"The six dimensions of the DeLone and McLean IS Success Model can be applied to the e-commerce environment as follows: 1. System Quality, in the Internet environment, measures the desired characteristics of an e-commerce system. Usability, availability, reliability, adaptability, and response time (e.g., download time) are examples of qualities that are valued by users of an e-commerce system. 2. Information Quality captures the e-commerce content issue. Web content should be personalized, complete, relevant, easy to understand, and secure if prospective buyers or suppliers are to initiate transactions via the Internet and return to a site on a regular basis. 3. Service Quality, the overall support delivered by the service provider, applies regardless of whether the support is delivered by the IS Department or a new organizational unit or is outsourced to an Internet service provider. This dimension is more important in an e-commerce environment than ever before, because the users are now customers rather than employees, and therefore, poor user support will translate into lost customers and lost sales. 4. Usage, measures everything from a visit to Web site and navigation within the site to information retrieval and execution of a transaction 5. User Satisfaction is an important means of measuring customers opinions of an e-commerce system and should cover the entire customer experience cycle from information retrieval through purchase, payment, receipt, and service. 6. Net Benefits, are the most important measures, because they capture the balance of the positive and negative impacts of e-commerce on customers, suppliers, employees, organizations, markets, industries, economies, and even society as a whole.† (DeLone and McLean, 2004) â€Å"Finally, e-commerce studies should include net benefits measures and not be content to collect only surrogate measures, such as Web Site hits (i.e., use). Such benefits can be measured on at least four levels: individual, group, organizational, and industry. These measures become most useful, however, when fitted into an overall structure or framework a framework like the one provided by the DeLone and McLean Information Systems Success Models.† (DeLone and McLean,2004) Source: Measuring E-commerce success: Applying the DeLone and McLean Information Systems Success Model, 2004 2.7.2 Rational behind using DeLone and McLean Success E-commerce Model One of the objectives of this research paper is to identify the success factors of e-commerce. â€Å"A review of articles on e-commerce and electronic data interchange (EDI) in recent academic and trade journals (1992-2002) yielded many suggested measures of e-commerce success. IS and marketing journals were included in the search for e-commerce success metrics. Most of the articles were conceptual in nature, but some were empirical and, therefore, attempted to operationalize e-commerce success metrics.† (DeLone and McLean, 2004) 2.7.3 Current research of other researchers As one of the objectives of this research is to assess and investigate the enhancement factors of Kazakhstan e-commerce, this combination make the study unique, as previous research in this field just provide a quick look with no depth focus on the Kazakhstan E-commerce. There were some studies exploring the weakness and strength of the Kazakhstan E-commerce, and other studies independently investigate the critical factors in E-commerce best practices, however no one tried to measure using E-commerce Success model. Moreover some of the research paper using statistical analysis, according to Griffith (2007) â€Å"statistical analysis is like a sewer. What you get out of it largely depends on what you put into it. There are a few researches about the measurement of e-commerce success.† Chang Liu, Kirk P. Arnett Model of E-commerce Web site success, 2000 â€Å"Websites are being widely deployed commercially. As the widespread use and dependency on Web technology increases, so does the need to access factors associated with the Website success. The objective is to explore these factors in the context of electronic commerce (EC).† (Liu, 2000) â€Å"Webmasters from Fortune 1000 companies were used as the target group for a survey. Four factors that are critical to Website success in EC were identified:

Monday, August 19, 2019

black and white :: essays research papers

Change as changing times and techology................. People often use these terms without realizing that word CHANGE has neither a denotation nor a connotation of advancement,improvement or progress; a change can take place at any direction: forward, backward, up and downward! In common, plain English, speaker is required to specify the condition and direction of Change as the expressions are used to define the changing subject matter as in: "change for the better" "change for the worse" Those who promote and seek change in society, by their misuse of the word CHANGE, mostly will misrepresent their agenda or program for change in existing conditions and stations of their community. Beware when you hear the talk of changing societty I am going to write this paper through the eyes of someone else, who had a impact on my life. As it made me realize the number of different ways people are being taught about a specific issue. It was at the beginning of my freshmen semester, I went into a classroom without the intentions of it having any impact of my life. What I did not know was that this course held not only a vision for the future but also answers to my past. Growing up, I was influenced by a society that was inhabited almost entirely by blacks. For that reason only, I have been completely aware of any bias or unfair treatment to minorities. Because of this upbringing, I found many incidences discussed in this one class I was in quite believable. However, my views on our society and the educational system have been broadened which leads me to believe that the teachers of the future now have the key to a fair, unbias education for each student that enters the school. As she seen me in class, and I seen the curiousty in those blue eyes, I knew it was only time before we were going to examine the differences in our lives as well as our values, As time went on we learned that we shared some of the same hurdles growing up. The death of a sibling as well as the experience at multiple schools as "the new student" are just a few of the ways in me and her that were quite similar. As many people know, dealing with issues like this can be quite hazardous to how a young child develops into a functioning adult. She would say to me, the course discussions and lectures that I experienced had a dynamic impact on my personal beliefs and values.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

William Faulkners A Rose for Emily Essay -- Faulkner Rose Emily Essay

William Faulkner's A Rose for Emily I. Implied author of the story „A Rose for Emily†, a story of horror first published in 1930, is considered by many scholars one of the most authentic and the best narratives ever written by William Faulkner. It is a story of a woman, Emily Grierson, and her relationships with her father, the man she was in love with and the community of Jefferson, the town she lived in. While discussing any narrative text it is crucial to mention the implied author of a text. As Wayne C. Booth, the most famous follower of the Chicago School believed, it is possible and acceptable to â€Å"interpret and criticize the narrative worlds of literary works without stepping beyond the limits of the text and falling victim to a ‘fallacy’† , without confusing the narrator with the implied author. Even though the plot or characters may be clearly described in literary works, only by interpretation can their â€Å"intended nature† be determined and the concept of an implied author is the one to bring together both: description and interpretation. There are many variations of the concept of an implied author, however most of them usually come down to two suggestions: first, that the implied author is a nexus of values and norms in the textual world and second, that he selects and orders the elements of narrative texts . Thus, it may be said that throu gh the mentioned selection (of, for example, the narrator, the title, the symbols or the language of events) and ordering the implied author passes on the information which the implied reader needs for the interpretation of the text. In this way, every literary text, as in this case â€Å"A Rose for Emily†, becomes a form of communication between the writer and the reader. The aforementioned information may be passed in various ways, two of them being the structure of the narrative text and its title. The title of â€Å"A Rose for Emily† is ambiguous. As there are no roses in the story, it may be safely assumed that the title is purely symbolic, however the meaning of this particular symbol remains unclear for readers. The word â€Å"rose† brings to mind a flower of a deep red colour, beautiful, but always surrounded by thorns. Red colour may symbolize love and passion, but it is also the colour of hate and revenge. Therefore, the rose may be the symbol of Emily’s feelings, her passion towards Homer, her desperat... ...follow in her future life. Trying desperately to keep Homer by her side, she turned to the only effective method she could think of, murder. Unable to let go of the past, Emily could not accept any changes in her life and disregarded them with pride and confidence. For some people her defiance was the reason why they admired her, for others the reason to pity â€Å"the fallen monument†. Eventually, Miss Emily’s unshakeable insistence to live her life solely on her own terms, led to tragic consequences. Tragic, not only for Homer Barron, but for Miss Grierson’s psyche as well. To sum up, it need to be concluded that â€Å"A Rose for Emily† belongs to those fascinating narrative works, which offer the readers detailed studies of characters without providing them with all the necessary information in a too easy way. It is the readers task to discover subtle relations within the story, to link together certain circumstances and to create one, vivid picture of a woman and the society she lives in. In this way, â€Å"A Rose for Emily† indisputably becomes an exquisite feast for the mind, without any doubt deserving to be considered the best of the short stories ever written by William Faulkner.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Effects of Advertising Essay

Advertising may have some good points, as we know, but advertising is really just a necessary evil. Advertising has its own fair share of negative effects. While some are obvious to those with a more scrutinizing eye, most of advertising’s potentially harmful facets go undetected. How do you think advertisements have affected consumers or What are the negative effect of advertising? Advertising is a form of communication intended to persuade its viewers, readers or listeners to take some action. Why should an ad be negative The main functionality of an ad is to convey the reason for existence of a brand / product and entice customers to buy. The visuals are a form of expressing the communication and making it is human as possible. How its shown or televised, printed is a subjective matter. Ideally we should be asking whether the communication is correct or not. Is it misleading the consumer Is it showcasing something and you are landed with something else Negative effects of ad would be when the communication is wrong, which seldom happens. Its really only in cases of Insurance ads, funds or generally speaking finance vertical ads. Keeping these hazards in mind even these corporates have started issuing a disclaimer immediately after the ads. Cold drink companies are using aero stunts for their ads and also staking claim that the stunts are performed by qualified experts and hence not to be done by normal unqualified people!! Ads will not really be negative, unless there may in some cases like the Red Bull ad where the content is quite derogatory where the man drinks Red Bull flies and opens his fly on top of the bird because the bird shat on him†¦ thats going too far with the tag for Red Bull. So I do not really find any negative effect of advertising per se!! Today advertising plays a dominant role for each and every product. Sometimes it becomes nuisance for the viewers, especially when watching the favourite programes in TVs and during this time the ad will not be of much effective as they will be nelected by the viewers by switching over to another channel for watching some other show. The basic objective of all ad campaign in TV channels is to reach the public immediately. Here the question is up to what extent the ads are effective and are sucessful.. we can’t say 100%. o the advertisers should plan their capaign to get the milage to the greater extent. But it is true that the ad related to the children is very well watched by them and are enjoyed by the children. For every action, there is an opposite and an equievalent reaction. Hence the advertisers have to make a strategic planning on their timing and the money spent for the ad should not go waste. In other words thei ad capaign should regulated. The ad should not turn to irritate the viewers and it should not also exaggerate. It should be simple to showcase their products qualities and applications. I believe currently that advertising has become so powerful and so subtle that we accept most of it without thinking. It is our environment. We buy shirts and bags with large logos and ‘show off’ most of us own a TV, the programs that exist are there only to get us to see ads. Our newspapers are covered in ads and we still call it news. My point is that advertising is in no way positive. It creates ‘want’ in a society that doesn’t understand the true meaning of ‘Need’. Fr. Kavanaugh was on the mark when describing the effects of advertising on society. Our moral values are being degraded by the bombardment of impropriety by the media. Adler would be quick in pointing out the reason why these messages have such a negative effect on people. There are two main tactics advertisers use to sell their product: either imply that their product will bring about the achievement of a particular (usually real) good, or make their product the object of desire, therefore making it an apparent good to people. The problem with associating products with the achievement of a good lies more in the realm of truth than in good, because it lies in whether or not the product can truly live up to its claims. The relation between a product and statements, therefore, they are directly misleading the public. The other subjective thing, it would seem to be acceptable for advertisers to qualify represent — in other words, Calvin Klein products are now in and of themselves associating more importance to the product than to the good involved, like a society to advocate proper moral values in their advertising, or at least not The effects of 2 People see advertisements all around the globe that attempt to lure consumers to buy products. Advertisements are placed in newspapers, magazines, schools, and on billboards everywhere. According to marketing consultants Stan Rapp and Tom Collins, on a typical day, an average American sees over 5,000 advertisements a day (Gay, 1992). Many questions arise about these advertisements, such as â€Å"Is advertising deceptive? Does it create or perpetuate stereotypes? Does it create conformity? Does it create insecurity in order to sell goods? Does it cause people to buy things that they really don’t need? †(Alexander & Hanson, 1993, p. 240). Advertisers use specific methods to target teen consumers, but these methods are not always successful or ethical. Advertising is giving the general public information about new goods and trying to increase overall sales, which increases the efficiency of the nation’s economy. It is supposed to be a significant way of getting the point across about a product and create motivation for people to buy. Advertising alone, however, does not get customers. It simply catches consumers’ attention, gets them to walk up to a shelf, and make an impulsive purchase. However, getting the customer back requires a more creative marketing approach. There are several ways to research consumers’ behaviors, likes, and dislikes. The most popular method is tests and surveys, both before and after a product is introduced. Telephone surveys are very common, but they take several thousand calls to get a substantial number of responses to work with. Along with those, written questionnaires and samples, either handed out in stores or sent by mail, are effective tests to see if consumers like a product or not. The reactions to the samples, results of questionnaires, and number of participants are all recorded as The effects of 3 a part of the researching process to come up with effective ads. All of this data collected also has other purposes, such as information on warranties and which groups to target for certain products. Companies also check whether the ads are being productive by means of comparing the money made and number of sales during periods of advertising to those during a time of no advertising. Some companies even allow average consumers to preview a commercial to get a response. As a result, companies learn what consumers want before wasting money on useless ads. A well-known advertising strategy is making consumers feel insecure and creating fears that can be overcome by buying. Advertising reveals the latest fashions and the new popular novelties on the market. It exhibits perfect individuals wearing the new styles and looking good. Consumers observe this perfection and envy it. Therefore, they go out and buy in hopes of reaching perfection. Furthermore, being an accepted member of society has become very important to most individuals. For instance, the presence of body odor on individuals makes them an outcast in society. Advertisers use this knowledge to their advantage by developing ads that show a person using deodorant and being recognized as popular. Fear also works into the whole advertising process. Due to the fear by consumers that they will not fit in, they pay close attention to the new ads for the new looks, which gives advertisers more drive to make their ads portray the ideal person. Advertisers also insure that ads are simply informational, but many disagree and believe that they are definitely persuasive. According to Douglas Kellner, a professor of philosophy, as early as the 1920s, advertising critics argue that ads began to persuade Americans, due to the new invention of the assembly lines and the concept of corporations, that buying material The effects of 4 goods was the thing to do. They tried convincing people that spending hard-earned dollars on items that could be hand-made was the new accepted behavior that would enhance their lives (Alexander & Hanson, 1993). Likewise, critics of the advertising industry argue that it connects products with preferred emotions, such as happiness and popularity. For example, beer commercials often show a man after a hard day’s work enjoying an ice-cold beer to relax him. They also argue that ads give people the impression that products can give them talent. Take athletics, for example. Nike ads are accused of implying that their shoes will give a consumer athletic ability. Michael Jordan is shown in a television commercial dunking a basketball, wearing a new style of Nike shoes. Consequently, kids are going to want the same pair to be â€Å"like Mike† (Wolf, 1998, n. p. ). On the other hand, advertising agencies say that they just give the consumers up-to-date information. They show change in their ads because they know that is what consumers want and to fulfill the needs of the general public, change. Thus, persuasive strategies are considered techniques used by advertisers to get consumers to buy. Teenagers have become top consumers in today’s society, so advertisers have focused on getting their business. According to Simmons Market Research Bureau of New York City, teens bought 25% of all movie tickets and 27% of all videos, totaling $6. 6 billion. In 1998, teens spent $1. 5 billion on jeans, almost twice as much as in 1990, and $3 billion on sneakers, almost four times more than the amount spent in 1997 (Tulley, 1994). Another reason teens are being targeted is the fact that there are many more teens in America today than the past Generation X. The current number is even expected to grow in the next decade, giving advertisers more reason to target them. Winning teens over as customers, today, means possible long-term customers, The effects of 5 which equal big profits. The majority of teens also have part-time jobs or some type of income. With the possibility of the minimum wage raising once again, teens have come to possess a lot of buying power. According to the Teenage Research Unlimited, teenagers spent $140 billion in 1998, which is 14 percent more than in 1997 (Berkowitz & Evangelista, 1999). Teens are able to spend their money more freely because they do not have the responsibilities of adults. They even have a greater influence on household spending, as their role in the spending of their parents’ money continues to grow. For instance, it is not unusual for a parent to send their teenager to the grocery store for them, giving them complete control of brand choice. Thus, teenagers are becoming big targets for advertisers due to their growing consumerism. Why are teenagers such big targets in the advertising industry? The answer is simple: They are different. Advertisers view them as a constant changing generation with optimistic outlooks. They want to show individuality by their clothes and possessions, yet fit in with their peers. Their optimism comes from the good rate of job placement after college, the good position of the nation’s economy, and the very low unemployment rates. Teenagers can basically strive for any career with a good chance of being successful. They like to feel good about themselves, so they buy new materials to produce that feeling. Teens are continuously purchasing new items to keeps up with the changing trends. Therefore, advertisers use their view of teens to create ads. With this in mind, advertisers devise specific ads, using a variety of tactics, to appeal to these changing teens. Although marketers each have their own unique techniques, they all use original, flashy, and funny ads to reach the teenage audience. They make posters with college age students that create a fun and happy image. Television commercials include music with The effects of 6 good beats and bizarre images because that is what gets the attention of teens. For example, the Gap’s swing dancing commercials were a big success among teens. They bought their clothes and accessories from the Gap because they could relate to it. That is one reason Gap is ranked as the number one casual clothes store among teens. Advertisers use celebrities to endorse products because teens admire and look up to them. Since teens are still trying to find themselves, advertisers try to create ads and brands that will survive past the finding years of teenagers, so they will have them as future customers. Due to the change in today’s teens, advertisers target them much more. Another controversial subject with advertising is that fact that teenage smoking is on the rise. According to TIPS (Tobacco Information and Prevention Source), at least 6,000 people try a cigarette for the first time each day, all of which are under eighteen years old. There are at least 4. 5 million smoking adolescents in the United States. From 1988 to 1996, the number of adolescents, ages twelve to seventeen, who are daily smokers, has increased by 73 percent (http://www. cdc. gov/tobacco/initfact. htm). Teenage smoking has obviously increased in the United States. As a result, tobacco advertisements are being blamed for the increase use of tobacco by teenagers. Many advertising critics argue that tobacco ads do indeed influence and contribute to the number of teenage smokers. Most teens, however, disagree and believe that their peers are the number one factor in their decision to smoke. Since image is very important to teens, they evaluate what image their smoking friends portray. If they want that image too, they may also take up the habit of smoking. A teen’s attitude towards cigarettes is a considering factor, ranking above advertising that leads to teen smoking. It is obvious that if one has a negative attitude The effects of 7 towards cigarettes, he or she will be less smoke. However, if individuals openly accept cigarettes, they may end up as a smoker. Also, those around cigarettes on a daily basis are more likely to be persuaded to smoke than individuals who are not around cigarettes. In the opinions of teens, tobacco ads do not play a big role in their decision to smoke. Advertisers use a variety of tactics to target particular groups, such as teens, to market their product. There are many views on advertising. Despite the many opinions that advertising is manipulative, a waste of money that could go towards other issues, and a bad influence on human beings, there is no true way of proving it has a bad effect on people. It is simply intended to reveal the benefits of products that consumers want. It is vital to many businesses, as some would be unable to survive without a way of making their products known. Although advertising is accused of influencing consumers to buy things they do not need, they have the choice to buy. It is up to the consumer to make wise choices and develop shopping skills that are intelligent.